
Moving lock screen iphone
Moving lock screen iphone

To begin, let’s review how to take Live Photos. In today’s Quick Tip, I’ll show you how to set a Live Photo or a GIF animation as live wallpaper for your iPhone…and give you some other Live Photo and GIF tips for good measure. Even better, Live Photos can be set as live wallpaper that animates when you tap and hold it. When a Live Photo is viewed in Photos, a tap or swipe of the image sets the photo in motion, complete with the sound recorded at the time. When shooting a Live Photo, the iOS Camera app actually records data before and after the shutter button is pressed so that about 1.5 seconds of movement and sound is stored with each 12 MP still image. Since the arrival of the iPhone 6s a few years ago, iPhone users have had the ability to capture Live Photos.

Moving lock screen iphone